

挑選設計感家具 提升空間質感

複合機能傢 補強簡單空間的不足

採購家具不必一次到位 將部份舊家具用在新空間中,採購家具不必一次到位,挑選耐看且真正喜歡的家具,才是重點,而且還能降低採買家具的預算。

家具比例與空間協調 所有家具尺寸的考量,都是為了達到最極致的美和平衡;所有的物件都是以最符合人體舒適來測量作決定。選擇喜歡的、而不是成套的家具作搭配,圓形餐桌該有的尺寸必須提供相同比例大小的空間融合,家具與空間呼應的比例掌握成就風格的完整度。
最近我們家挑的這一款【eyah 宜雅】台灣製200織精梳棉單人床包雙人被套三件組(多款任選)就是非常大推啊!http://s.blog.xuite.net/_image/emotion/m21.gif





一起來看看這款【eyah 宜雅】台灣製200織精梳棉單人床包雙人被套三件組(多款任選)吧!!!http://s.blog.xuite.net/_image/emotion/m39.gif






  • 三件式


  • 29~32cm
  • 單人3尺
  • 單人加大3.5尺
  • 雙人加大


  • 透氣
  • 可水洗


  • 植物花卉
  • 動物
  • 卡通


  • 精梳棉


  • 【產品內容說明】
    ■美式薄枕套─45×75公分 (信封式設計)
    *可水洗 ∕ 不可乾洗 ∕ 不可烘乾 ∕ 不可漂白∕ 可日曬


【eyah 宜雅】台灣製200織精梳棉單人床包雙人被套三件組(多款任選)大家可以參考看看1911770183.gif

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mobile0101網友【eyah 宜雅】台灣製200織精梳棉單人床包雙人被套三件組(多款任選)哪裡便宜,採購,優缺點,試用【eyah 宜雅】台灣製200織精梳棉單人床包雙人被套三件組(多款任選),好用,CP值,經驗,好康,集購,下殺,免比價,去哪買?,

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... 疫情當前,談疫色變,人人自危,引人深思。是人類破壞了自然?還是自然在報復人類?? 守護自然,守衛我們共同的家園是每個社會人不可推脫的職責。 本項目將自然元素引入到室內空間中,提醒人們在享受她的同時更要珍惜和珍愛。 現代都市的水鄉氣韻-售樓部 | 奢侈 | 對每個人來說,意義都不一樣 它是一種體驗、一種欣賞、一種感受、一種源於內心深處的水鄉情懷。 姑胥府售樓部:—個集體驗、欣賞、感受和情懷於一身的現代空間。 ... ▼體驗 Experience ... 都市— 是由人、建築、環境共同組成。 City-is composed of people, architecture and environment. ... 設計需從自然與人文中取材,但並不是單純的實現,而是要與當代結合、創造、而後升華。本案將提取人物、環境、和建築元素,將其抽象化,融入空間中,打造具有現代韻味的水鄉空間。 Design is drawn from nature and humanities, but it is not a simple realization, but a combination with the contemporary, purification, creation, and sublimation.This case will extract characters, environment, and architectural elements, abstract them and integrate them into the space to create a water and rural space with modern charm. ... ▲地理位置分析∕Geographical analysis 項目位於蘇州桐涇公園附近,水鄉之中,環境優美。從中提取船的元素,將其簡化,用於外立面,縱橫線條,簡筆勾勒,切入主題,引人入勝。 The project is located near Suzhou Tongyu Park, in a beautiful water town. Extract the elements of the ship from it, simplify it and use it on the facade to create a modern building with water features, which is fascinating. ▼欣賞appreciate ... ... ... 半透明白色鋼板猶如船體,隔而不斷,玻璃立面波光粼粼,加上燈光傾灑,水霧繚繞,猶如大船楊帆啟航,勇往直前。形成城市中一道靚麗的風景線。 The semi-transparent white steel plate is like the hull of a ship. The glass façade above is shimmering, coupled with the pouring of light and the mist, it is like Yang Fan sailing forward, bravely moving forward. Form a beautiful landscape in the city. ... ▼ ... ▼ ... ▼ ... ▲銷控臺 吊燈 ▼ ... 進入銷控臺,將船的元素引入室內,以吊燈的形式存在,勾勒出氣韻生動的線條,漂浮在空中,來自湖水,隨風飄動,增添了空間的靈性,作為藝術的客體,傳達著當代的精神。 Entering the sales console, the elements of the boat are introduced into the room, and they exist in the form of chandeliers, which outline the vivid lines of charm, float in the air, come from the lake, float with the wind, increase the spirituality of the space, and convey the contemporary as an object of art the spirit of. ... ▲空間吊燈 ... ... 售樓部沙盤區,描繪了一個得天獨厚的水鄉意境。大大的落地窗將室外景色拉入室內,沉入式沙盤區增加空間的層次感和趣味性。沙盤區和洽談區高低錯落的圓環吊燈,猶如湖水的水暈,展示著自然的靈動。懸挑式沙盤,猶如船隻浮在水中,漂浮蕩漾。 The sales department's sandbox district depicts a unique artistic conception of water village. Large floor-to-ceiling windows draw outdoor views into the interior, and sunken sand panels increase the level and fun of the space. The ring chandeliers staggered in the sand plate area and the negotiation area are like the water halo of the lake, showing the natural agility. A cantilevered sand table floats like a boat floating in the water. ... ... ... ... ... ... 書吧區的城市剪影裝飾畫將建築引入室內,下沉式的區域拉開了空間的層次,沙發造型猶如石頭露出水面,小馬擺件為空間增添趣味和情趣。 The decorative drawing of the city silhouette in the book bar area introduces the building into the interior. The sunken area opens up the level of the space. The shape of the sofa is like a stone exposed from the water. The pony decoration adds interest and interest to the space. ... ... 水吧區展示了現代都市的時尚韻味,綠色花藝和石頭雕塑貫穿這空間的自然氣息。 The water bar area shows the modern charm of the modern city. Green floral art and stone sculptures run through the natural atmosphere of the space. ▼情懷feelings ... ... ... ▼來自水鄉的那塊石 The stone from the water village ... ... ... ... 作為休息和洽談空間,水吧和VIP室在細節處彰顯品質,流露出舒適的生活氣息。城市剪影裝飾畫呼應公共區域建築主題,透過窗紗,陽光灑入室內,窗外景色映入眼簾,再次將人物、環境、建築融為一體,抒寫都市氣韻。 As a space for rest and enjoyment, the water bar and VIP room show the quality in the details, exuding a comfortable living atmosphere. The decorative sketch of the city echoes the architectural theme of the public area. Through the window screen, the sun shines into the interior, and the scenery outside the window catches the eye. Once again, the characters, the environment, and the building are integrated to express the urban charm. ... ... ... ... ▼ 平面圖 ... ... 135樣板間 /味蕾魅惑 工作忙忙碌碌,我們渴望愜意和優雅的生活,生活人來人往,我們追求自由和輕鬆的個人空間。一杯香糯的紅酒、一份美味的餐點,我們都想給自己最好的生活。 Busy work,We long for a comfortable and elegant life,People coming and going,We pursue free and easy personal space.A nice dress, a delicious meal,We all want to give ourselves the best life. ... 一位品酒師的家,像打開的梅爾諾酒。香醇,細膩,獨特、享受。 A taster's house, like an open Merno. Mellow, delicate, unique and enjoyable. ... ... ... ... 味蕾的記憶,滴落的紅酒,猶如水中泛起的漣漪,飄落在各個角落.芳香四溢,魅力無窮.陽光、力量、健康,活力.展現著主人積極向上的生活狀態。 Memory of taste buds,Dripping red wine.Like a halo in the air.As an embellishment, it floats in every corner.AromaticEndless charmSunshine, strength, health, vitalityDemonstrates the positive living status of the owner. ... ... ... 干紅的體驗,破解為縱橫交錯的印記,存儲在最溫柔的空間,一本雜誌、一首音樂、一縷陽光.忘記憂愁與煩惱.享受散漫舒適的放鬆狀態。 Dry Red Experience,Cracked into crisscross marks,Store in the softest space.Enjoy,A magazine, a music, a ray of sunshine.Forget sorrow and trouble.Enjoy a relaxed and comfortable state of relaxationr. ... ... ... ▼ 平面圖 ... ... 95樣板間 /攝影之夢 鏡頭下的世界 The world under the camera ... 流逝的時間,隨著快門的開啟,被定格下來,此刻成為了永恆、不可複製的——荒木經惟。 Solidification time,With the shutter open.Time is frozen,The record as "now and now" is non-repeatable.Becomes eternal-Araki Jingwei. ... ... 未來可能發生的和已經存在的,都指向一個始終。足音在記憶中迴響,沿著我們不曾走過的那條甬道,通往我們從未打開的那扇門。 What may have happened in the past and what has happened,All point to one always.Footsteps echo in memory,Along the path we never walked through,To the door we never opened. ... ... ... 門的背後,攝影主題的裝飾畫記錄著主人旅行中的點滴,那片水,那隻鶴,那抹風景和那個建築。人物雕塑穿梭其中,講述著人與社會的互動關係.門廳的小場景展示著主人的生活氣息。 Behind the doorThe decorative paintings on the subject of photography capture the bits and pieces of the owner ’s journey, That piece of water, that crane, that landscape and that building.Character sculptures shuttle among them, telling the interactive relationship between people and society. A small scene in the foyer shows the owner's life. ... ... ... 繁華都市中,承載著愛與希望。在家的最深處隱藏著執著的理想與丈步天涯的激情。 In the prosperous city, carrying love and hope. The deepest place in the home hides the persistent ideal and the passion of the world. ... ... ... ... ▼ 平面圖 ... ... 120樣板間 /織彩人生 美感,是生活破譯出來的DNA密碼 ; 密碼里,包含了我們的潛意識信息.那種對手工藝術的天賦,執著和熱愛。 ... 一位手工藝人之家,藝術,情趣,匠心,獨特。 A clothing artist's home, art, fun, ingenuity, unique. ... ... ... ... 將空間打開,讓夢伴隨著暖陽,照射在每一個角落.映射出璀璨的精緻生活,也映射出斑斕的設計靈感,符合人體線條的座椅.柔軟造型的沙發,手工雕刻的線條裝飾畫.裁剪的小手.無不展示著生活者的匠心和精緻。 Open the space, let the dream accompany the warm sun, shine in every corner.Mapping the bright and exquisite life Also reflects colorful design inspiration Human body seat Soft-shaped sofa,Hand carved line decorative painting Cropped little hand All show the ingenuity and refinement of life. ... ... ... ... ... ... 執夢於生活之上,將生活融入夢想的點滴.沉浸於專屬的時間、空間。摺紙、裁剪、手工編織.娛樂還是創作.靜思冥想,溫暖時光。 Dreaming on life, integrating life into dreams Immerse yourself in time and space, origami, cut, and hand-knit.Is entertainment or creationMeditation, warm time. ... ... ▼ 平面圖 ... ... |項目名稱| 永威·蘇州·姑胥府 |項目地點| 蘇州市姑蘇區解放東路福星路交叉口 |硬裝設計| 李瑋珉&壹舍設計 |軟裝設計| 上海勵時 |團隊人員| 任傑、毛亞楠、唐真、劉旭、張麗、古志君 |竣工時間| 2020.1 |攝 影| 如初商業攝影 張琳 耿旭姍 | Project name | Yongwei · suzhou · gushufu | Project location | intersection of fuxing road, jiefang east road, gusu district, suzhou city | Hard outfit design | Li weimin& A house design | Soft outfit design | Shanghai LISHI excited | Team members | Ren jie, MAO yanan,Tang zhen, Liu xu, Zhang li, Gu zhijun | Completion time | 2020.1 | Photography | as before commercial photography Zhang lin、Geng xu shan 主創設計師 ... ▲任傑 ·設計師簡介: 勵時設計 公司合伙人&設計總監 中國建築學會CIID專業委員會副秘書長 中國建築學會室內設計分會會員 室內建築設計師 高級室內軟裝設計師 ... ... 勵時設計(國際)機構成立於2001年,在國內設分支機構:裝飾設計事業部:上海勵時設計、杭州勵時設計、河南勵時設計、杜拜勵時設計辦事處。 公司全國擁有專業化設計團隊180餘人,業務類型已涵蓋規劃建築、室內裝飾、藝術陳列。 面向客群:商業地產、金融辦公、酒店餐飲、成品房研發部、藝術陳列六大類客群;我們秉承「彼此尊重、坦誠溝通、團隊合作」的價值觀,堅持「為社會提供高質量高品質高品味設計作品」的公司使命,從而實現「成為促進行業進步的一流設計企業」的企業願景。 近期熱文▼ Design首發 「分享國際頂尖設計藝術文化,首發全球設計之美」








每日頭條 https://kknews.cc/design/pbmnzjz.html

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